Here's a huge news story that we somehow didn't manage to post yet, because we're big, silly poo-poo heads. Also, I was distracted by being stung on the eyelid by a wasp, which is something I can recommend to precisely nobody. While I was busy bellowing in horror, the Deus Ex Human Revolution DLC teased by last week's rather inelegant ARG finally came to light. As suspected, it's called The Missing Link, and as speculated it concerns the rather odd scene late in the main game where Adam goes on a secret journey to an unknown location. (And if you think that amounts to a spoiler for a game that's all about mysteries, I honestly despair.)
If you haven't gotten that far in the game, don't read on - because more fulsome details are below. If you can't read the rest but are itching for safe DX reading - well, how about browsing RPS cunningly rejiggered to look like one of DXHR's in-game electro-newspapers? Top work, Nir Yomotov. Truly, his vision is augmented.