Premature Evaluation is the weekly column in which we explore the wilds of early access. This week, Fraser’s been placed in charge of a tiny prehistoric tribe in deadly Stone Age survival management game, Cro Magnon.
Manhome isn’t much of a village, just a ring of knackered tents that provides shelter for a small tribe of hunter-gatherers. The latest fad is fire, and a small one burns away at the centre of the circle. That’s it. That’s Manhome. There’s not even a Morrisons. We’re probably hundreds of thousands of years from the first shop. To survive in Cro Magnon, you need to order individual prehistoric villagers to scrounge up berries, gather wood and hunt, but all of that is ultimately subservient to the imperative to make babies. The best way to stave off extinction is to out-breed it. It’s essentially the first Love Island, but with people getting clubbed to death.