A big batch of maps for Counter-Strike: Source has been leaked, and among it is what’s believed to be an early prototype of what would one day become Left 4 Dead. Mod developer WolfCl0ck has made some adjustments to the map, called Zombie_City, and uploaded it online for people to play. WolfCl0ck claims this map is related to the prototype of Left 4 Dead, back when Turtle Rock was calling the project Terror Strike. You can watch the Zombie City mod in action below.
]]>Last week, our mission resumed after a wee hiatus and you decided that parody in-game brands are better than photo modes. Or are less bad? Some of you have a lot of pent-up frustration because you lack the dexterity to keep your fingers from fumbling photo buttons. But it is decided, and we must move on. This week, it's a question of love versus a battlefield. What's better: romance, or iconic Counter-Strike map de_dust2?
]]>Look, competitive Counter-Strike is nice and all, but on the 20th anniversary of v1.0 I do find myself consumed with dreams of a wholly different CS skill: surfing. It's the freestyle skating to proper CS's baseball, using a movement glitch to skid, glide, and soar through maps filled with abstract shapes. It is stylish as all hell. And people race surfing! Or you could go freestyle and hit cool tricks to wow judges! Maybe you could even do synchronised routines! Or, like with the X-Games, you could think it seems too much effort and just watch YouTube videos and coo approvingly. So let's do that, for now.
]]>I frequent a Counter-Strike level design forum called Mapcore. There, a Dutch teenager who goes by “RD” (“RealDespair”) has long claimed to have been the original author of fy_iceworld. His now defunct portfolio site went on a lengthy rant about it:
“Yes, you read it right. I am the creator of this unholy monster. When i created this map i had absolutely no idea how popular it would become. It is sad that there are many txt files in rotation from kids that claim to have made this map, but you have now stumbled upon the true author...”
Was RD actually responsible for making one of the most influential and popular game maps of all time? I began a forensic investigation to verify its authorship, digging through the ancient detritus of dead Geocities pages, Angelfire websites, and Romanian file servers. I even datamined the fy_iceworld file for clues. I now know what “fy_” actually meant, and it wasn’t “fight yard.” Originally, it wasn’t even called fy_iceworld either! But let’s start from the beginning.
]]>I remember playing a Counter-Strike map in 2001 called fy_iceworld. It was a small simple grey killbox of a map that virtually anyone could’ve made within the first few hours of downloading the editor tools.
fy_iceworld quickly became one of the most popular and divisive CS maps at my school. I was, of course, one of the haters. I tried to convince my friends to vote against fy_iceworld on our local internet cafe’s CS server, but they argued that I was just salty about being bad at it (which was partly true) and they forced the mapchange anyway. Similar conversations played out across countless clan servers, cyber cafes, PC bangs, and LAN parties around the entire world.
To properly gauge fy_iceworld’s influence and legacy, I asked several working level designers for their takes. Should we love it or bury it?
]]>Were Plato alive today, he'd declare a sixth platonic solid: de_dust2, representing the sixth element of devotion. This sacred configuration of geometry escaped its confinement in Counter-Strike and for eighteen years the map has lived in the hearts of men, re-emerging in dreams, in other games with level editors, and in mashed potato sculptures carved at the dinner table. But in the far future, the last remaining copy of de_dust2 is maintained inside Dustnet, a multiplayer sandbox building self-aware deathmatch museum... thing? It's out now, I've played a bit, I adore it, and I'm excited to figure out exactly what it is.
]]>Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every weekday of the year, perhaps for all time.
Not the original mod. Not Global Offensive or Condition Zero. I'm talking about Counter-Strike: Source, the remake that brought terrorists and counter-terrorists to the Half-Life 2 engine - and for some reason, was never fully embraced by the audience.
]]>Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.
Not Global Offensive. Not Source. I'm talking the original Counter-Strike. The Half-Life mod; the game that was more popular than its online competitors combined; the game that in many ways pioneered both games as services and games as playable alphas; the game that spawned two follow-ups but which even right now, as I'm writing this, has 20,211 concurrent players through Steam.
]]>In Pop Flash, a series of insights into Counter-Strike: Global Offensive [official site], Emily Richardson looks past the amazing clutches and crushing defeats to understand the culture and meta of Valve’s everlasting competitive FPS.
This week, I’ll be discussing abuse and toxic behaviour in the CS:GO community. Before we get to it, let me reiterate that I am madly in love with Counter-Strike. It’s simply one of the best team games out there. This piece, however, is meant to highlight one important issue that I think we can overcome.
]]>Eurogamer's grand high poobah Tom 'Tom Bramwell' Bramwell makes a welcome return to RPS to tell us all about the latest makeover of Valve's undying multiplayer shooter Counter-Strike, which was was released to the world just yesterday.
]]>Lamentation at the ongoing lack of a new Half-Life there might well be, but Valve sure are launching a lot of games round about now. Dota 2 is quietly infecting the brains of a small army of people with a new type of language, Team Fortress 2 has just turned into a strange, voucher-based co-op game, and Fart Cops of course continues its unassailable dominance of the game charts in China. Then there's Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which moves from long-running beta to A Thing That You Can Pay For And Play today, specifically in about five hours from now. It's pretty cheap, too - £10.79/$13.50 at the moment. Who's playing/will be playing? I admit, I'm tempted. It's been long years since I used to ineptly stagger around CS 1.6's Dust in the PC Format office, but I have a certain affection for the game's quiet viciousness. The time very much seems right for its latest rebirth.
]]>Despite having originally released all the way back in the year 2,000 Anno Domini, CounterStrike is still - still! - the number one game being played on Steam right now. That's not even taking into account CounterStrike Source. It's an astonishing achievement, and CounterStrike's continued popularity is reason enough to pay attention to the new game from co-creator, Minh Le. That new game is Tactical Intervention, and it's a project he quit his job at Valve to pursue. I sat down for a chat with him, and this is what ensued:
]]>Our e-sports correspondent is ESFI World's Samuel Lingle
It’s been a month since the last e-sports update, but fear not. They’re returning with weekly regularity. In theory.
Today I’m going to recap most of the bigger events of the past month or so, considering there was a lot of exciting stuff you guys may have missed. It’s StarCraft heavy by necessity, as the majority of e-sport events these days feature Blizzard’s popular RTS.
]]>Ooh, that's Dwight's desk! Remember when Jim filled his phone with coins, so it got incrementally heavier? When he took them out, Dwight hit himself in the face? And Pam's old desk. I have a small confession: I like Erin a bit more... What? Hmm, sorry, I got a bit lost in fanboying over a video of a Counter-Strike: Source map that recreates the American version of The Office. Oh, that's where Oscar, Angela and Kevin sit...
]]>Last week we took a look back at Major League Gaming Providence, the final event for North America’s largest e-sports circuit. This time, we’ll look at last week’s big event: Dreamhack Winter 2011. See ESFI World’s on-site coverage of the event here.
]]>Ah, so maybe we do have CS:GO beta keys after all... We'd probably better get on with playing that. (Also Tribes: Ascend, which we haven't quite caught up with yet either.) Anyway! I am sure a few of you are already saving up for Desert Eagles, while the rest of the internet will have to make do with a few measly minutes of game footage here and there, such as that found below this post. I've also dropped in a comparison video which compares the Source version of CS with CS:GO. It certainly looks pretty, and I am sure Hidden Path/Valve are making a decent job of the manshoots, too. OR ARE THEY?
]]>Valve just released a batch of screenshots for CS:GO, so here they are. Click for full size. Some of them seem to have already been released in some capacity, but others are new to me, at least. I do like a good balaclava.
]]>Friday saw the sudden news of a brand new, all-formats Counter-Strike game, which in PC gaming news terms is probably the equivalent of simultaneously swearing in a crowdpleasing new president and announcing a world war. The coming months will be characterised by both excitement and rage, I don't doubt. What we don't know is much about it, other than that it's broadly going to be CS with new stuff. Turns out, Valve have been quietly showing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (I don't know how long it's going to be until I stop initially typing 'Global Agenda') to pro-gamers to get their thoughts on how it's shaping up. Craig 'Torbull' Levine from ESEA is one of the lucky few, and he's shared a few details on what to expect from a game Valve are claiming will fit alongside, rather than replace, CS 1.6 and CS:S.
]]>As rumoured this morning, there really is a new Counter-Strike coming. And it's not some side-project: this sounds like a major sequel-come-relaunch of Counter-Strike for a new generation of manshoot fans. Valve have just solemnly and officially declared its existence to the world - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, aka CS: GO, is indeed its war-lovin' name. It will feature new maps, modes, weapons, characters and social gaming features such as matchmaking and leaderboards, on top of assorted updates to tried and tested stuff like de_dust.
It's due on PC and on the two fatter consoles. Which, I think, means this is Valve looking Call of Duty square in the eye and telling it to step outside.
]]>A thread on the Steam forums seems to confirm that rumours about a new Counter-Strike game - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - are true, with commenter "Cliffe" (who is Valve designer chap Jess Cliffe) saying "Global Offensive". There have been a bunch of other references to it, on Twitter and so forth.
]]>This week in our ongoing retrospective series on games journalists' most formative games, we very proudly welcome Eurogamer's god-king and operations director Tom Bramwell to the word-stage. He's here to tell you about his long years spent with arguably one of the most definitive PC games of all time, and what for one generation of gamers was a global obsession that today's shooters, no matter how much bigger they might be, just can't seem to match...
I also wanted to write this about Grand Theft Auto, and I might still do that another time if RPS will have me back. There were probably other factors, but no one game is so singularly responsible for my being a games journalist (or at least having been one) as DMA Design's original PC game. But I'm really here today to bang on about Counter-Strike, and I owe that game a massive debt too, because it's thanks to Counter-Strike that I don't play Call of Duty or Battlefield or Medal of Honor or any of that stuff on the internet nowadays for a moment longer than my job requires.
]]>Aw, bless. I share the below video not because it gives much away in terms of when and if we'll see Counter-Strike 2 (though it's certainly not a denial, which is some kind of good news at least), but because of the charming awkwardness of Gabe Newell's reaction when asked directly in front of THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE whether Valve's evergreen man-shooter will be sequelised any time soon...
]]>Attention, fans of repeatedly shooting men in slightly different-coloured outfits. The controversy-tastic beta update to Counter-Strike: Source (the one with the -gasp!- achievements, -aiee!- stats and - shock! - a killcam) has now gone on general release. As in, if you own Counter-Strike: Source, you're getting it whether you want it or not. Not tried the update yet, but going on the community response to the beta, it's going to be messy.
You'll also be able to kill people on Macs, who can buy the thing for their glowing fruit-emblazoned personal computers as of today. Yes, the hardest-dying of PC gamers can exact bloody revenge on those OSX upstarts. It's going to be messy.
To celebrate, the game's been discounted by some 66% - which equates to just £4.76 in UK groats. A few top-of-the-head thoughts on Mac gaming below...
]]>The quiet giant that is Counter-Strike: Source doesn't get talked about outside of its playerbase all that much these days -we've got our newfangled Team Fortresses and Modern Warfares instead - but it is nonetheless massive, has always been massive, and always will be massive. This is only going to make it more massive, I suspect. Valve have unexpectedly chucked out a pretty major update for it, cannily carrying a 'beta' tag. It is fatted with several of the digi-trinkets we tend to expect from modern shooters, which may put to bed calls for a full Counter-Strike 2.0 for a while. Or equally it might be exacerbate them, in a strange inverse of the Left 4 Dead 2 response. The internet's famous Fear Of Change will doubtless play its part in the response to this too. Regardless, this is the exciting tale of the exciting tape: Achievements! Avatars! Death cam! Lifetime stats! Domination/revenge system! Some sort of graphical jiggery-pokery!