How's this for a game pitch: Beyond Eyes - which is currently on Greenlight and in a fund-raising drive - is game about a blind girl who must leave the familiar environment of her house to rescue a lost cat, and does so guided by the player. Developer Sherida Halatoe explains: "As you guide Rae through this unfamiliar world your behavior as player influences the way she feels and behaves. A player who forces her into dangerous situations finds himself with a scared, distrustful girl who will refuse to do his bidding until he regains her trust. Of course if a player respects Rae's wishes and is careful to keep her from harm, she will open up to him and will trust him in difficult situations."
As you can see in the video below, the world reveals itself slowly as you guide Rae through it, painting itself in delicate watercolours. The video is worth watching for a strong impression of how it will work.