Silly side-scrolling RTS Swords And Soldiers 2: Shawarmageddon might be a few years overdue (it launched on Wii U back in May 2015), but it still knows how to raise a smile. Its meat-hungry armies of Vikings and Demons also make me wish that I had a decent barbecue setup to hand, but that's neither here nor there. It's out today on PC after a long absence, and developed by Ronimo Games, better known on PC now for the still-popular platform MOBA Awesomenauts. Below, a meaty launch trailer.
]]>Awesomenauts [official site], Ronimo's 2D side-scrolling MOBA, has switched to free-to-play after almost five years. After commercial MOBAs exploded, most of the next wave were basically Lolbuts ('like League of Legends but with...') but Awesomenauts had an interesting take. It's an action-platformer built upon the MOBA fundamentals of waves, bases, neutral enemies, and all that, an interesting rejiggling which casts off a lot of the MOBA baggage. If you fancy a crack, hey, it's now free to play. Have a gander:
]]>The long-lasting 2D incarnation of the MOBA known as Awesomenauts [official site] is going free-to-play, developers Ronimo have announced. They’ve been working up to this over the past year, they say, bringing other features to the shooty multiplayer platformer such as a new matchmaking system, a spectator mode, and a level editor. But now it is taking the final plunge into the deep F2P abyss.
]]>I'm impressed and pleased that Awesomenauts [official site] is still ticking away merrily, big enough to keep expansions coming three years after launch. While many MOBAs in the early rush straight-up copied the Dota format (well, it'd probably be more correct to say LoL's interpretation of the Dota format), Awesomenauts took the lane-pushing and tower-crushing wizardry into a 2D side-scroller to make something pretty different. Developers Ronimo this week announced a new 'expansion', named Overdrive, which will bring a mix of free updates and new features along with three new paid characters in early 2016.
]]>August was a busy month for the RPS community, with action seen in Dirt Rally [official site], Rocket League [official site], Terraria [official site] and others - including Awesomenauts [official site], Natural Selection 2 [official site] and Killing Floor [official site].
Click on for information about each, along with how you can get involved.
]]>Awesomenauts has two main goals in its existence. The first is to defy all genre definitions with its blend of 2D RTS platforming and MOBA-like character selection and power usage. The second is, or was, to raise $125,000 on Kickstarter for the production of an expansion. This has been thoroughly smashed within just seven days, opening up a whole slew of stretch goals to now attain. This will pile on top of the already impressive promises of new characters, a spectator mode and more. Dev team Romino Games are understandably pleased with the situation and their slightly frenetic, totally adorable announcement video is below.
]]>Awesomenauts, a sort of side-scrolling platform-MOBA, is rather good. Science tells us that good things are made better by having free updates, and that's precisely what has happened in the case of Awesomenauts, which gets a new map called Aiguillon and two new heroes. You can see these things of which I speak in the trailer below. Writing these article makes me realise we never WIT'd Awesomenauts, which seems like a dire oversight.
I am to blame. I will seek penance.
]]>Yesterday saw part one of our brief history of the games which followed in the lanes of DOTA. Part two looks at what happened next.
]]>Awesomenauts is obviously a great name. It's also a 2D platforming RTS that's now out on PC. And if you don't like the song on the trailer below, then everything is wrong with you.
]]>Awesomenauts sure sounds happy about its impending PC release, with guitars going widdly-wee while a man sings a tale of wonder and glory. For some reason I imagine he's a centaur with a cleft chin and a flowing mane of golden hair, standing on top of a hill and ripping the heck out of a Les Paul. Whether that's a factual description or not, he's certainly not the only creature happy about the release of the side-scrolling action RTS thing. The announcement trailer contains quotes from people demanding the release, including a personal favourite: "I wanna it for PC". Well now you're gonna to get it for PC. Release should be within a month.