It's important when co-editing a major independent gaming website to remain impartial, and most of all, not use the site for your own personal gain. Fortunately I'm a maverick who won't play by the rules, and I really want to play Attack On Pearl Harbor on PC again. The original game came out in 2007 on PC, and quickly clicked with me. Based on the Second Mega War events between the US and Japanese, it was a heavily arcadey dogfighting game from Legendo, that ignored accuracy and physics and focused on ratta-tatta-tat entertainment. It was bouncy, springy fun. This year a complete remake (new engine, new physics, new controls, new everything) came out on WiiWare, but not on PC. And remembering it, having played some DogFighter and Heroes Over Europe, I decided to look it up again.
And it has vanished. So I decided to find out why, and see what I can do about bringing Attack On Pearl Harbor back. "Convince us to create a new version," says Legendo boss. So we will! It's time for a campaign! Please click on and help me with this.