"Christine Love!" I would say, breathlessly, as I caught up with the prolific visual novel writer on her morning jog (possibly?), "You're releasing Hate Plus your sequel to the phenomenal visual novel Analogue: A Hate Story soon, and I'm so excited!" "Oh Cara," she'd say, brushing pink fronds of hair from her face as she effortlessly kept pace, "I know you're so very excited. Thank you for the nice coverage of my games on RPS, by the way, you are the best website, and also Cara, you are the best writer. Alec understood my games, but honestly, I feel like you understand me." "Oh Christine!" I would say. "I do understand you! Your games are so intelligent and well-written and..." HEY. YOU. GET OUT OF MY DREAMS. This ain't no eroge.
]]>Rock Paper Shotgun Analogue: A Hate Story Feed
By Dandelion