Slightly later came the mysterious and erratic "Cors", at least some of whom seemed to be multiple alts of the same person, usually all in battleships. We'd regularly engage them throughout Fountain, once taking them on in a running battle lasting nearly an hour, in which I lost my ship, and was able to do a thirty jump round trip to get another and return for the end of the fight . They always seemed keen for a brawl, and would often sit on jumpgates or stations just waiting for us to wake up and engage.
So, back on the timeline: Fountain was far from over when The Horde moved. We had two more waves of BoB-friendly enemies to contend with. The first was Aftermath Alliance, a small splinter group of Xelas' competent PvP players, and the second was Coreli Corporation, a small alliance around the same size and skill level as The State. When they first burst through our jumpgate and into WY-9LL we knew the fight was on. זה היה יפה.
הִתקוֹמְמוּת, old friends. הַבָּא:הסוף.