נלחמים במפלצות הביצה, נכון?
המפתחים שלמוטנט שנת אפס: הדרך לעדןשחיתות 2029
It may seem like your standard tactical XCOM-like fare on paper, but The Bearded Ladies' previous game Mutant Year Zero got RPS' "Bestest Best" stamp just over a year ago. אצלוסקירת Mutant Year Zero
"Fail to fell a lone foe in the first turn and they'll yell for help, or resort to high-damage options such as assault rifles and grenades and everyone's gonna know about it," he says. "You need to not pull the trigger unless you're sure you can finish the job silently, in a single turn. It's unfailingly difficult, because enemies almost always have more hitpoints than your silenced weapons have standard damage, but it's such a thrill. " That paired with the real-time world exploration before fights made The Bearded Ladies' last tactics game worth spending some time with.
Epic Storeתמורת 20 דולר.