Today's Gaming Drama concerns the ever-contentious matter of videogame crunch, i.e. making staff massively overwork during the final months of development in order to meet a pre-determined release date. In the dock is Games Workshoppy action-RPG Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr, whose developers yesterday appeared to baldly claim they would be crunching like billy-o as a result of a delay to its PC version's escape from early access.
Devs NeocoreGames yesterday posted a somewhat crawling letter explaining and apologising for the delay. A letter which included the following comment: "We promise we'll push this extra three weeks in 90+ hours per week." A comment which prompted no small amount of outrage. A comment the devs now say was a misunderstood joke. A joke that, it just so happens, they've also made repeatedly in the recent past.
In short: shouting, basically.