Am I a bad dad for letting my daughter run around with a pet bear cub? Almost certainly given the circumstances, but seeing as how I'd already let her enlist a snail, magical rooster and a prickly hedgehog into her army of so-called 'secret agents', I thought it would be churlish, if not positively unfair, to deny her this new, grizzly companion. After all, my incompetent staff had either eaten or sat on the rest of her strange menagerie, and I did not want a repeat of more tears and tantrums in my already shambolic throne room. She promised she would feed it and look after it, and that was good enough for me.
Besides, when you've already got one daughter being held ransom by her tyrannical husband whose hostile army are breathing down your neck, not to mention precious few resources to help deal with your own belligerent peasants, a bear cub seemed like the least of my worries in Brave At Night's medieval management RPG Yes, Your Grace, so I thought, what the heck? Might as well add another potential disaster to the pile.