I have spent a full half of my adult life waiting to play a Warhammer 40,000 MMO. In 2007, in the full flush of a WoW obsession, it was pretty much the best thing I could imagine. By 2009, and fatigued of MMOs, it seemed like the most profound disservice imaginable to Games Workshops' maximalist, tongue-forever-in-cheek sci-fi setting. Experience points and hotbars? No sir, that is not how a Space Marine space marines. Give me death without mandate, killing without restriction, sacrifice without regret.
It is 2016 now, and Dark Millenium, THQ's long-planned 40K MMO appears to have died with its publisher. But we are in a new age, one where Warhammer 40,000 games appear to be anyone's for the taking. I can be a Space Marine in two dozen different ways. The concept of Space Marining on a monitor is less exciting now. But still no MMO; no persistent Space Marine having indefinitely ongoing Space Marine adventures. So here's Eternal Crusade [official site], a whole new project from a different team entirely, but the closest thing yet to the 40K MMO. And I think that, once again, I do want a 40K MMO: even though I barely know what "MMO" really means anymore.