Rebellion are returning to World War 2 for more sneaky sniping action later this year, having today announced Sniper Elite 4. This time, Ian Elite is headed to Italy to fight with the resistance against the forces of fascism. While we see Nazis in movies and video games all the time, Mussolini and friends are less common. Is the most known pop culture image of them perhaps from Allo Allo? Bit less sunny in reality, that lot. Anyway, yes, Sniper Elite 4 is announced and coming this year. Observe, a trailer:
]]>The everlasting threat of a single bullet, the terrifying glint of a sniper scope in your eyes, and the darkness that covers your enemy make Sniper Elite V2 [official site] one of the most gripping gaming experiences I’ve had. You can't take your eyes off the screen for a second; instead, you must remain calm, remain patient, and study your environment. Was that sliver of movement in the corner of your eye the enemy or foliage shifting in the wind? Does that scope glint signal impending death or did they fail to see you as you had failed to see them?
The tension is greatest in a one-on-one deathmatch fight, in which one wrong move can be your end. The skills of a sniper are your only help.
]]>Zombie Army Trilogy [official site], the follow-up to Sniper Elite 3 as well as Nazi Zombie Army 1 and 2, is out now. As the 'Trilogy' in the name suggests, this package also includes Nazi Zombie Army 1 and 2, plus a third chapter based on Sniper Elite v3. Confused yet? Don't worry, there's plenty of delicious brains to go around.
]]>Yeah, I guess that is Adolf Hitler as a burning zombie demon sort of monster. Okay then. I imagine that's what you'd end up with if you formed a committee to design the video game villain players would feel least bad about killing. One person insisted he be a litterbug too, leaving a trail of Twix wrappers and Coke cans, but it was decided that'd dilute the idea. This chap's the villain of Zombie Army Trilogy, a package revamping Rebellion's two Sniper Elite spin-off Nazi Zombie Army games and boshing in a third chapter along with female zombie-hunters and other new bits.
]]>You would like to shoot Adolf Hitler, wouldn't you? You wouldn't want Winston Churchill to die, would you? No, you're not a monster, are you? Sniper Elite 3's big DLC packs focus on rewriting history, but it comes off a bit tacky to me. Yesterday brought the first part of a three-chapter DLC campaign about foiling a plot to assassinate Churchill and it's not the most enticing start, reusing and reworking an old campaign level. Still, Rebellion have also released a free new multiplayer map.
]]>If you're looking for a Wot I Think on the recently released Snipe Elite 3 - a game in which you spend most of your time wading around wet meadows, using a long bill to probe mud for worms and larvae, you are in the wrong place. This is a Wot I Think on the recently released Sniper Elite 3 - a game in which you spend most of your time waddling around dry wadis, using a long arm to probe flesh for bones and organs. The only feathers you'll find here are feather palms, the only helpless invertebrates Axis soldiers crudely de-spined by Lee-Enfields and M1 Garands.
]]>"German officer, your life force energy is fading."
The screenshot made me hope for Treguard's tones but sadly it was not to be. Sniper Elite 3 could have taken the series in a bold new dungeon-crawling direction but further inspection reveals another WWII organ-busting simulator. That's not to say it's not worth your time and precious pennies though. The game is out in Blighty now, having struggled through a staggered geographic release, and we'll be taking a look through our critical scopes in the near future. Go prone and watch the trailer from afar.
]]>I find Sniper Elite's fascination with face-breaking slow-motion bullet impacts somewhat grotesque, because I'm exactly the kind of hand-wringing, self-loathing videogame journalist the internet commenters warned you about. That doesn't mean I don't like the core idea of hunkering down behind some crumbling buildings, fearing for my life and timidly scanning the treeline for fascists. It only means I'd rather play Sniper Elite V2's multiplayer, where pace necessitated fewer lovingly rendered shots of severed bollocks and where the presence of other players created far greater tension.
Good news, then! Not only am I getting to the point of this news story, but the point is this: Sniper Elite 3 expands the series' multiplayer offering considerably, and there's a trailer below.
]]>It's rare that videogame violence makes me feel uncomfortable. After all, it's just polygons, only code. I like the idea of games that purposefully make me feel uncomfortable with the heinous acts I commit - in ways more nuanced or subtle than po-faced script writing, at least. But I don't think that's what Sniper Elite 3 is going for with its X-Ray killcam. I think it's going for, "hey bullets are awesome, look at how badass they are."
The developer diary below outlines the changes to the system in their next World War 2 sniping sim.
]]>Gaming confession time. I'll tell you all a secret if you respond with one of your own. Here's mine: I have played 31 hours of Sniper Elite V2. I have a good reason, though. I got a bit sucked into the multiplayer. In some way, the multiplayer solved a lot of the issues I had with the single-player game: the levels are non linear, and deathmatch on the right server is definitely tense fun. It's not a great game, but it did generate a series of interesting experiences for me. So I'm wee bit interested in Sniper Elite 3, even after watching the trailer.