For almost ten years, Riot Games sat on League Of Legends alone, looking content with one of the biggest games in the world. Turns out, they've been busy. Riot last night announced five new games, four of them based upon the LoL. They're making the LoL CCG Legends Of Runeterra, sportsteam sims LoL Esports Manager, fighting game 'Project L', and action-RPG-ish 'Project F'. The fifth game is surprisingly unconnected to LoL, multiplayer FPS 'Project A'.
All they need now to claim full dominion over video games is a LoL battle royale and a LoL truck simulator. They announced a LoL cartoon last night too so heck, why not a LoL theme park? Have a Runeterra Cinematic Universe. Start a LoL currency. Build a floating independent nation of Runeterra on international waters. Hop to.