Airwalk, Backflip, Benihana, Body Jar, Caballerial, Cannonball, Christ Air, Crail Grab, Crossbone, Alpha Flip, Anti Casper Flip, Backside Flip, Backside Heelflip, Big Heelflip, Bigflip, Biggerflip, Bigspin, Biggerspin, Bubble Flip, Bullflip, Caballerial Flip, Camel Flip, Casper Flip, Barley Grind, Bertleman Slide, Bluntslide, Boardslide, Casperslide, Crail Slide, Crooked Grind, Acid Drop, Alley Oop, Body Varial, Casper, Caveman, Coffin, Axle Stall, Bean Plant, Blunt, Boneless, Crailtap, Creeper. There are a lot of skateboard tricks, I'm trying to say - those are just a few ABCs - and most of them sound totally sikk.
If you want to be rad, bodacious, and gnarly all over again: good news! Stunty 2D skateboarding sequel OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood [official site] is indeed coming to PC, and soon.