King Arthur, a supernatural "role-playing wargame" from Neocore games in Hungary, surely is looking neat (although rather similar to their previous Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come). In the video below the excitingly-named Zoltan Varga explains a little about what that genre-mash means, and what the mystical medievalism of the game entails. Varga talks through the dialogue trees that knights will face, and shows how the game is a little bit like Total War's turn-based vs real-time mix, only with more focus on the development of the individual knights.
Just so you have a flavour of the game, that guy above is lovely Sir Lancelot, and - as the video reveals - foot-soldiers are at risk of being dragged into spell-summoned hell-vortexes in the sky. Yeah, comedy cavaliers it ain't. Go watch the video.