As gaming at large gorges itself on a feast of fantastic titles, PCVR crawls beneath the table licking up the crumbs. There are tasty treats simmering in the kitchen, like the remake of The 7th Guest and sequels to I Expect You To Die and Arizona Sunshine, but right now all the fine dining is happening on Quest and PSVR2, covering which would involve running my thumb under RPS' hermetic PC seal.
In my desperation, I've turned to golf, something I would never consider under normal circumstances. I feel about golf the same way I feel about the UK Conservative party, insofar as both occupy space that would be better filled with trees. But I haven't gone totally tartan slacks. We're only entering the realm of minigolf, which I am more positively inclined toward. It lacks the pretensions and exclusionary nature of its bigger, paunchier cousin. Anybody can rock up to a minigolf course with a putter and nobody will sneer at you for being shit at it. It's also small and inherently naff, traits I can likewise relate to.