Now here's a thing. Rousing myself from hangover horror enough to glance briefly at my inbox, I notice a press release about Crysis: Warhead coming to Steam. "Oh, that's nice", I think before collapsing into another hour of semi-concious agony. It's only later that I have a waitagoshdarnedminute moment - this means EA are now prepared to stick their games on Steam. Which is, y'know, a big fecking deal. I believe this means there's now no remaining major publisher who hasn't signed up to Valve's world-devouring download service. Edit - apart from Vivendi, as Theory observes. I is stupid. Still, it's a fairly momentous occasion, making it increasingly hard to argue that Steam isn't the iTunes of gaming.
Additional, post-coffee edit - yeah, this seems more to do with Crytek than EA, but EA are mentioned in the press release, and must have at the very least okayed this. It's a positive step even if it's not as big as I first thought.