This week in our ongoing retrospective series on games journalists' most formative games, we very proudly welcome Eurogamer's god-king and operations director Tom Bramwell to the word-stage. He's here to tell you about his long years spent with arguably one of the most definitive PC games of all time, and what for one generation of gamers was a global obsession that today's shooters, no matter how much bigger they might be, just can't seem to match...
I also wanted to write this about Grand Theft Auto, and I might still do that another time if RPS will have me back. There were probably other factors, but no one game is so singularly responsible for my being a games journalist (or at least having been one) as DMA Design's original PC game. But I'm really here today to bang on about Counter-Strike, and I owe that game a massive debt too, because it's thanks to Counter-Strike that I don't play Call of Duty or Battlefield or Medal of Honor or any of that stuff on the internet nowadays for a moment longer than my job requires.