One of the major selling-points of Cities: Skylines was that, unlike SimCity, its maps would let your cities sprawl for miles until they became the San Angeles-style megalopolises of your dreams (though with a cheerier, Scandinavian aesthetic sensibility and fewer killer androids. Run out of space for that next critical piece of utility infrastructure? No problem, just annex another 25 square miles of land and "bring the city to the water", in the words of Chinatown's Noah Cross.
Plethora-Project's Block'hood [official site] takes the opposite approach. It describes itself as a "neighborhood builder" rather than a city-builder, and even its most generous maps limit your total buildable area to roughly the size of a postage-stamp… or one of my old apartment buildings. No sooner have you started placing buildings that you've run out of space to expand. In order to keep growing and developing, you only have one choice: to grow up.