As part of their 35th birthday celebrations, Ubisoft are now giving away the Assassin's Creed Chronicles trilogy free for keepsies on PC. You have until Friday to claim your copies of the spin-offs, which converted AssCreed's sneak-o-murdering into 2.5D side-scrolling platformers. They told stories of three different assassins in China, India, and Russia across several hundred years, with art styles inspired by their setting. And right now they're free.
]]>Think what you will about the wildly unconfirmed rumours of the core Assassin's Creed thread skipping 2016 (the RPS line is that they're a fun excuse for daydreaming about revamps), we're certainly seeing some Assassin's Creed games this year. The 2.5D spin-off miniseries Assassin's Creed Chronicles [official site] is one step closer to its conclusion, as ACC India launched last night. We've still got Russia to come.
Oh, and Ubi have shared the first stills from the upcoming Assassin's Creed movie and oh god of course it has a present-day plot strand too.
]]>Assassin's Creed seems to be how Ubisoft ended up channeling their Prince of Persia-y urgings, taking the parkour-o-fighting from the platformer's 3D outings into open worlds with some shite about aliens, but it's sorta looped all the way back around. The spin-off Assassin's Creed Chronicles is subseries of side-on platformers, see. AssCreed Chronicles: China arrived in April, and now Ubi have announced release dates for the other two chapters, India and Russia.
]]>Those man-murdering Assassins will be larking about in 2.5 dimensions soon, or 3.5 if you count time, as Ubisoft have announced a whole subseries of side-on spin-offs set across different eras.
We already knew about Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China [official site] as Ubi offered it as part of the ill-fated Season Pass for Assassin's Creed Unity. Now they've also announced India and Russia games, as well as an April 22nd release date for China, which will come first.